Households with a Mortgage
Why Use This Data Source In Your Models?
Total units owned with a mortgage or loan describes the ability and desire to purchase a housing unit. This is indicative of the overall economic situation, availability of loans, housing market prices, and the desire of occupants to remain long-term.
Households with a Mortgage
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Automated Data Profiling
Suggested Treatment:
Grain Transformation:
US Census Bureau
2019 Census - Households
Housing Units
Point in Time 2019
Available Through:
Suggested Treatment:
No treatments recommended.
Grain Transformation:
Data is unable to be distributed by time or geography. The roll up method used is Sum.
Auto Correlation Analysis:
Trend Analysis:
Distribution Analysis:
Statistics (Pearson P/ df, lower => more normal)
Data Notes:
2019 is the most recent Census data being reported.
US Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates,