Existing Home Sales - Not Seas Adj
Why Use This Data Source In Your Models?
Existing home sales measures the health of the real estate market. This indicates overall economic health as well as desire to live in an area long-term.
Existing Home Sales - Not Seas Adj
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Suggested Treatment:
Grain Transformation:
U.S. Census Bureau
Housing & Urban Development
Number of Units, Not Seasonally Adjusted
Available Through:
Suggested Treatment:
The data shows seasonality. The data should be adjusted. While the Order Norm transformation, provides the best normality, the Boxcox variable will also perform well.
Grain Transformation:
Data is able to be distributed by time and geography. The roll up method used is Sum.
This dataset does not have enough history for a transformation analysis
Auto Correlation Function
Auto Correlation Function After Differencing
Partial Auto Correlation Function
Seasonal Impact
Seasonal and Trend Decompostion
National Association of Realtors, Existing Home Sales [EXHOSLUSM495N], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/EXHOSLUSM495N, December 15, 2019.