Enrich your predictive models with External Data

We gather multiple source, automatically create, organize and update it in a single source platform to deliver you insight that directly benefit your business!

see why small business love ready signal

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Fresh data exactly where you need it

Our Data Catalog gives you instant access to external data in your desired time grain and geo grain. Streamline integration by delivering this data exactly where you need it.

In minutes you have access to:
Labor Statistics
Economic Indicators
Consumer Behavior
Custom Data

Don’t see what you’re looking for?
Let us know – we can find what you need.


Test Everything.

When you're unsure where to begin, Ready Signal’s AI-Powered Recommendation Engine has your back. Using your internal time-series data, it quickly identifies features that have strong correlations with your business outcomes.

Our Recommendation Engine is built on top of our powerful data catalog. Perform a years worth of work in minutes.

Curious? Let’s talk!

“I’d love to talk to you about we can save you time, get better insights, and reduce risk with Ready Signal.“

Matt Schaefer, Chief Growth Officer​

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